Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Eleven  Break The Spell  Awake In A Dream 
 2. Crab Smasher  It took a drop of blood to break the witches spell  Impossible Monsters 
 3. Nina Simone  I Put A Spell On You    
 4. Jay Bullock  Dry Spell  Song Fight 
 5. Screamin' Jay Hawkins  I Put A Spell On You  The Rolling Stone Magazines 500 Greatest Songs Of All Time  
 6. Screaming Jay hawkins  I Put A Spell On You  From Grand To Gotham  
 7. Audience  I Put a Spell on You  House on the Hill  
 8. Screamin' Jay Hawkins  I Put a Spell On You  Music From Advertisment (CD 3)  
 9. Screamin' Jay Hawkins  I Put a Spell On You  Music From Advertisment (CD 3)  
 10. Screaming Jay hawkins  I Put A Spell On You  From Grand To Gotham 
 11. Doscientos  Dry Spell  12 Hours North 
 12. Sunburned Hand of the Man  Spell It Out  The Trickle Down Theory of Lord Knows What 
 13. Alabama Thunderpussy  Dry Spell  River City Revival 
 14. Signboy Feat. Marianna  Dry Spell  Song Fight! 
 15. Frantic  spell web   
 16. Cryptacize  New Spell  2008-08-15 - 40 Watt Club, Athens Popfest  
 17. Cryptacize  New Spell  2009-03-25 - Hi-Dive, Denver, CO  
 18. Elaine Palmer  Spell  Into The Spotlight 
 19. Cryptacize  New Spell  2009-03-25 - Hi-Dive, Denver, CO  
 20. Screamin' Jay Hawkins  I Put a Spell On You  Music From Advertisment (CD 3)  
 21. Screamin' Jay Hawkins  I Put a Spell on You  Voodoo Jive: The Best of Screamin' Jay Hawkins  
 22. Nina Simone  I Put a Spell on You  Nina Simone's Finest Hour  
 23. Nina Simone  I Put a Spell on You  The Best of Nina Simone [PolyGram]  
 24. Nina Simone  I Put A Spell On You  Compact Jazz  
 25. DJ Max le Fou  One More Spell on You   
 26. Nina Simone  I Put a Spell on You  The Best of Nina Simone [PolyGram]  
 27. King Arthur  Dry Spell  K-9 
 28. Nina Simone  I Put a Spell on You  Nina Simone's Finest Hour  
 29. Howlin' Wolf  I Put A Spell On You  Halloween Hits  
 30. Nina Simone  I Put A Spell On You  Misc Oldies, Vol. 1  
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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